So this is where we left off. We brightened up the card, filled in a background color on our torn card and cleaned up the torn edges. Now we're ready to replace some missing flags.
If you look close at the postcard you will notice there are six bunnies and six flags on the front row and nine bunnies with only seven flags on the back row. And that one flag needs a corner too so we'll replace it. In all we need to put three flags back in there. We will take one from the back row and put them where I think they belong. So first let's open our bunnymarch.xcf (or whatever you named your) file in GIMP and duplicate the layer. Now that you know how, I don't have to show you. Selecting and working on the top layer only, we will use the square selection tool to encompass a flag so we can copy it:
Then we will select a flag to use. Once we have it selected with the pole attached to it, we will cut it out of the layer using 'Layer | crop to selection' from the drop down menu. This will cut away everything from the top layer except the flag.
So put your cursor over the flag we just cut out and move it to the missing section, lining it up with the top of the pole as shown. Since there is not a separate pole for this flag we will just extend the one that's already there or you could make another pole if you wanted. I hit 'Select | none' and then I select the bottom layer to remove all the dotted lines so I can take a good look at the flag. It looks like this now.
OK. So we need another flag that already has a pole. We don't have to cut out another flag since we already have one we can duplicate. So just make sure the flag layer is selected and duplicate it. Then drag it over to the line up with the pole that doesn't have a flag. And while you're at it I will show you how to resize them so they don't look so 'cookie cutter' perfect.
Now we have nine bunnies on the back row and nine flags. but as things get further away they should look a little smaller so we are going to resize the last three flags a little and drag that farther one behind the one in front of it.
On the layers, grab and drag the top layer underneath the middle layer so the last flag will be behind it. This is where you duplicate another flag and move it over the top of the flag that needs a corner since you already know how. Now it should look like this:
Now we're going to resize them so they look better. So from the icon menu select the Scale tool or use 'Shift + S' to bring it up.
Just touch the dotted selection on that layer and it will let you grab and resize each flag. To only resize one side instead of resizing proportionally, just unlock the lock on the sub-menu that pops up with that tool..
Once you get all the flags where you want them just merge the visible layers 'Ctrl + M'. Now you can use the smudge tool to refine it a little.
You might want to fill in a point on a flag or extend the flag poles a little. The smudge tool lets you drag out a color into another area, smooth out imperfections and refines the picture. You can adjust the size of the smudge brush just like other brushes. Experiment with it a little and you will see a difference. Don't forget to save over your original editable file with all your hard worked improvements. You can also export this in other formats. If you want to put it on the internet you can export it as a separate .jpg or .png without overwriting your original file.
And now you should have something similar to this. I would guess that it's pretty close to the original before it was damaged but if not, then it's pretty good enough. You would not guess that it's the same card unless you fixed it with your own two little hands. Now you know some secrets so you won't be the one who says, "How'd they do that?" because now you know how. It's not that hard and you can do it too.
But I'm not going to reinvent the wheel by doing a bunch of tutorials for the GIMP since there are plenty of them out there if you want to really learn the power of this program beyond fixing a few little boo boos.
And there you have it. All it takes is a little practice to get good at it. We saved and restored a postcard! YAY! Now you have skills you can use for all your graphics. And it costs you nothing but a little time to get it.
OK so now I'm just showing off but by using no more than the skills you just learned (plus the eraser tool), you can even make yourself a bigger bunny army (to infinity) or just like this one and you know what that means, right? More chickens, more eggs!
I skipped right over St. Patrick's day (well there's still time for that) but Happy Easter card making!
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