Monday, September 30, 2024

Fairy Doll Frenzy

I haven't been posting but I have been busy... real busy. Too busy to post until now. I got into these dolls because I was fascinated with their eyes and making them.

But it took much longer to make the dolls themselves, their clothing and to put them together. 

I guess it took me three to five days to get one done from start to finish. There are a lot of details on these dolls.

The prairie point skirts were very detailed and time consuming but the look was worth it. They have so much texture and add a layer of depth to the dolls that any other skirt just wouldn't be able to achieve.

I loved making the shoes and each one was a little different than the last so they held my attention from start to finish.

I also got to use my special fibers for their hair. I have a whole container full of zany fibers but projects where I get to use them don't come along very often.

These quirky dolls took up most of a whole month but if that wasn't busy enough, I decided to paint my entry and living/dining room walls. I do love to paint. My house needed a deep cleaning anyways so I cleaned, organized and painted at the same time. It took me over a week to get it all done.

I'm not much for Spring cleaning but I often do my cleaning before the Holidays in the Fall.

So now I'm on to the next project. I suffered through a creative block for several weeks after these dolls were done, but now I'm back into it. I've decided to sew a little more with a new project and then the Anna Griffin Create 10 will be here in the middle of November and that will keep me busy up until the end of the year and beyond.

I wanted to at least get something posted for this month since I've been so busy. I'm pretty much all caught up now!