Monday, May 27, 2024

Second, This Orchid Thing

There is a lot of misinformation about how to grow orchids successfully. But the biggest misinformation pool I've found is how to care for orchids, and one of my pet peeves is misinformation about watering with ice. 

It does not make sense to tell people that the ice tag hanging from some orchids is a gimmick to get you to kill your orchid so you have to buy another one. When I killed the first orchid I bought, I didn't buy another one for several years. The ice tag is meant to keep you from overwatering and there have been studies done proving that ice watering orchids is not harmful to them. So it's not a gimmick, it is a selling point because overwatering is the number one reason people kill their orchids. 

my growing method

No orchid grower in their right mind would want you to kill an orchid. Success in growing them practically guarantees you will buy more. Failure with growing your first orchid says you won't. So the argument against ice is not logical and it just doesn't make sense. Don't put ice directly on the roots or let it touch the underside of the leaves or the stalk. When the ice melts it will not damage the roots when placed on top of the moss to melt. Studies show the temperature of the roots after watering with ice stays in the 40f degree range and does not freeze or otherwise damage them. Don't polly parrot what you've heard other people say. Do your research. Type into google "ice cube orchids study results" or "orchid ice cube research" and see what you find. Here's a few links to get you started.

The Plant Propagator interview on ice watering

Ohio State Phalaenopsis Ice Study

Study Results PDF

I don't work for these people but they really know their orchids and you can print off little booklets on orchid care and use them as cheat sheets no matter how you water your orchids. You'll be a step ahead of everyone else when someone asks you a question about orchids.

Orchid Care Booklets

I know of two studies that were done on this subject. One was done at Ohio State University and the other at University of Georgia. Look those up too.

new flower spikes


You can easily pay $15 - $20 for one Phalaenopsis orchid in bloom. And a whole lot more for other lesser known varieties. Here is the cheap way in a nutshell. 

Orchids - Wait until June to buy them in the big box stores. By June the orchid blooming season is winding down and they are starting to drop flowers. A lot of the stores will mark them down to $2 - $7 or more while they are still in really good shape. Do not buy an orchid with black rotted stinky roots. It will die. OR you can buy them on the half dead plant racks really cheap. You will get them for as cheap as $1 to maybe half price this way but they won't be in really good shape. You will learn a lot bringing them back from the brink of death. Be aware that they may not flower for up to two years going this route even if you are successful. I can tell you from experience that it is very rewarding when a rescue finally blooms. And a big surprise!

Medium - This is what you plant them in. Water culture is the cheapest way to go but you may or may not want to mess with water. Most people go for bark or moss. I would go for professional bark mix when you repot if you don't have a lot of orchid growing experience or any good sphagnum moss lying around. Don't skimp on quality here.

Pots - You can spend a lot of money on ceramic pots with holes in them or use the pots the orchid came in which has a liner inside the outer pot so you can see the roots before you water. Or you can reuse glass or clear plastic containers which cost nothing. If you live in a tropical climate you can tie them to a tree, then you don't even need a pot. I grow my larger ones in recycled 2 liter pop bottles with gravel in the bottom for drainage. I grow all my minis and petites in moss. They have very different watering requirements.

Care - When to water. Only water when the roots get silvery light green and then watering methods differ. I recommend rain water. It's free, all you have to do is collect it. And you don't have to worry about chlorine or chloramine. There is no reason why you can't water with ice cubes if you have good water to begin with. Get professional orchid food and follow the instructions on the package for feeding. Preventative bug spray. Insecticidal soap will work if you see or suspect a bug issue. Sunny filtered window, no direct sun.

stem experiment


Don't listen to people who tell you that you cannot water with ice. It's been proven by studies that you can and many people do successfully grow orchids watered this way. It's a slow drip method and research proves that it does not damage the roots. 

Don't listen to people who tell you to immediately repot every orchid you buy. They do not need repotted if they look good and are not in distress. If you repot an orchid in bloom it might drop its flowers so it's not recommended.

You need holes in the liner or the pot so the roots can breathe. No you actually don't unless you are afraid of overwatering it and want it to dry out faster. Many successful growers grow them in glass or see through containers with no holes in the bottom or sides.

You need to get it out of moss and repot it into bark. No you don't. Nothing wrong with growing them in moss. Moss has different watering requirements than bark, that's all.


You should join online orchid groups so you can learn how other people do it and maybe pick up some tips and tricks you haven't tried yet. Just be aware that everyone has an opinion and there are no hard and fast rules for everyone where growing is concerned.

Environment is different in different parts of the country and growing conditions are very different in other countries too so take that into consideration before you decide to follow one person's advice. Tying orchids to trees may work in Florida just fine but if I tie an orchid to a tree here in Indiana the squirrels would have a nice meal if it didn't freeze first. I'm just sayin'.

Please, please, please, don't be a polly parrot just repeating what someone else has said and you've taken it as gospel. If you've never watered an orchid with ice or done any research on the subject please don't come into a group and start telling people not to water with ice. Your experience and your opinion is welcome but keep in mind there is more than one way to grow an orchid and your way is not the only way and it's not a rule that everyone else has to follow. That's all.


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