Thursday, October 19, 2023

Style, Decor and Fashion

I love to look at the old vintage fashions and furnishings. They really had style back then. Of course the colors are pumped up for graphics but the style still shows through.

I love the pinks, blues and all the lace. And the ladies had so much style back then in their matching dresses and hats.

I trimmed this one in old fashioned lace and hand dyed the ribbon a pale peach.

I did a lot of folded pages on this one because I had a few large rooms I wanted to use.

I sprayed the signatures with paper ink and sewed them in with a nylon thread that's as strong as fishing line but waxed for bookbinding.

I love the panelled walls and the old wall murals.

I kept in a few pockets to tuck things in. Most of the time I will glue the pockets closed and make my own but sometimes I use them to tuck pages into.

I love this blue bedroom set. It filled the page so I made it a tri-fold pull out.

I do cut out a lot of pieces in my journals. By the time I get my cricket hooked up and program the print then cut sheets, it's just easier to cut them out the old fashioned way with scissors. It's good therapy.

I kept a window in one of the envelopes to store extra furniture pieces in. 

Here's another pretty pink bedroom. So old fashioned. I love canopy beds and gold trimmed wall panels. I wish my room looked like this!

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