I see tulips and daffodils starting to spring up and I'm finally convinced that Spring is just about here. I've been painting some florals too. I got a free months worth of classes at Skillshare because I saw some beautiful abstract flowers painted by Suzanne Allard on there. I liked her style.
And I love to paint abstract flowers. Her style is very loose and flowing and she uses mostly gouache. I had never painted with gouache before so I wanted to experiment a little. I paint on mostly watercolor paper because it's easier to store flat than canvases are. I will probably go to some of my canvas later because I have a ton of them stored up in the attic just waiting to be used. Watercolor paper is cheaper to practice on.
These are really mixed media. I base coat and block color in with acrylics and then use them and gouache for the flowers and leaves. I also use gelatos, markers and gold ink.
These are from the first class I took but I have a few more started, sketched out and blocked in, just not detail painted yet. I also have some neocolor wax pastels that I'm trying to get used to using but I don't like them as much as the gelatos. All are water soluable so they blend into each other.
I signed up for a month of free classes so that's what I'm going to be immersed in and then decide if I want to continue. I can cram a lot of learning into a month. There are a few other artists that I'm interested in taking classes from also.
I took an abstract course a few years ago with Lynn Whipple painting with house paint samples and acrylics - and this is very similar in style and content. It's right up my alley. These 3 are my paintings from Lynn Whipple's course.
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