And what an event it was! Three days full of crafting and fellowship with Griffinites across the globe. It was a crafter's convention in virtual reality. There were so many beautiful things made and friends made along the way. My favorite class was the ornaments. I loved making these!
The creative juices were flowing. We got to learn not only how to make better crafts but a little peek into each other's lives and guess what? We're all alike! It doesn't matter what your background or where you come from, we all share the same loves, hobbies, heartaches and trials.
I did have my first Create forever marked for me and I know I'll never forget it. My twenty year old cat Smokey passed away at 5:00 Saturday, November 12th, before the start of the second day of Create 8. He was my Russian Blue, my 'little old man' and he loved me too. Even toward the end he would purr when I stroked his head. He couldn't see very good but he recognized me.
He had the loudest purr. He was actually the sweetest, most loving cat I've ever had. He loved boiled chicken (he was a foodie) and he could eat his share even with no teeth. I will miss him every day.
I think I would still be on an ugly cry and would have done that all weekend had it not been for Anna Griffin's Create 8 event to keep me very busy so I really didn't give myself time to grieve, but I know my little old man is in kitty heaven now. He was a good boy.
So I dove into the crafts, and the meeting rooms. I couldn't participate much in the craft rooms online because my connection on my phone kept kicking me out of them. My computer doesn't have a camera and microphone but maybe it will next year.
Yes, I'm going to do my best to make sure I attend next year. It is the best thing I've done for myself in quite a while. It is an extravagant 'indulgence' and I usually am more practical than that. Yes, it does cost money to attend but you get to stock your craft room and have a lot of fun. It's totally worth it!
That being said, it's cheaper than a cruise. I will have to save up every year to make sure I'm able to attend.
Who would want to miss making stuff like this? It is the most beautiful stuff I've ever seen. It's like looking at glitter for the first time! So pretty!
And it just kept getting better and better each day. There were prize drawings. I didn't win anything but a lot of stuff was given away! A lot of stuff!!!
Everyone was nice and friendly, sweet and genuinely caring and kind. I loved every minute of it! I got my box of supplies three weeks before the event and you are suppose to prep by cutting out things for every class and then make stuff along with Anna giving you tips and showing you how to put them together BUT -
I couldn't wait. I knew I didn't want to rush around and miss watching the class so I made at least one of everything before it even started. How did I do that? There's plenty of stuff so you have a lot of extra materials. So I used that. You don't have to follow along exactly, you can do your own thing and all the dies come with basic instructions and examples.
I just had to wait until the week before for Anna to post the actual items we would be making and then just make them up from looking at a photo. Easy peazy. I already know how to put stuff together so I really didn't need the classes but I did appreciate all the tips and tricks, even though I had a few of my own. I just wanted all that stuff in the boxes - and I took it from there. I made so much stuff beforehand that I did enjoy watching, chatting and posting to social media along the way. I was a social butterfly! I can craft anytime but I can't interact on this level very often.

If you were trying to keep up with Anna - forget it! Her team preps everything in advance and you are in real time. You will never be able to keep up unless you have a team and know in advance what you will be making. So many people get frustrated trying and they feel like a failure because they can't keep up. I just avoided all that and had a blast with it. I did make stuff on my time but I was all in watching the classes, participating in the chat and uploading my projects on social media platforms. I couldn't have done that if I were cutting and gluing and trying to make stuff in a frenzy. And yes, she does go fast. Faster than you can sitting at home.
I did make a few things with Anna in the classes like the double diorama... I did that in real time and finished it later. And I made a few birthday cards in real time and I didn't like feeling rushed. Glad I made some in advance. I have all 12 birthday cards done now though.
Look at how much stuff I made!!!
Making memories at the #annagriffincreate8 event!